workcapcha dashboards


Make every second count

Analyse how employees spend their time and make data-driven decisions to enhance team productivity.

Empower employees to self-evaluate, ensuring they optimise their time.

Spend time on what matters

Track what employees are spending their time on and reduce non-billable hours.

Enable employees to hit targets by minimising unnecessary distractions.

Encourage happier, healthier teams

Support employees in managing their work/life balance. Use trends to get ahead of staff burnout.

Employees can ensure they spend enough time on what they value.

Don’t let time slip away

Increase billable revenue by recording time accurately and honestly, eliminating revenue leakage.

Provide insights to help your team reach billing targets faster, without increasing workloads.

Get more from everyone

Identify employees that might benefit from more training on WorkCapcha.

Promote superusers to become team mentors and maintain their motivation.

Insights everybody will love

WorkCapcha Dashboards display exactly what you need.

Views for individuals, managers & partners, means you surface the right metrics to empower you to achieve more, whatever your role.

Create your own intelligence

For organisations requiring additional enhanced reporting, use our InfoCapture tool to create your own reports and expand your insights.

Let’s Get Started

It’s about time you let WorkCapcha take the pain out of Time Recording